
It has been a very long time since I last got on and blogged I wish I had a great excuse but honestly I started out with every intention of blogging regularly and ended up very busy with way more orders than I had anticipated on my crochet hats.   So, blogging ended up on the very bottom of my to do list and I eventually forgot about it altogether.  Now that my busy season is over and I have more than just crochet to talk about I really want to revive this blog and start sharing with you again but I have some different goals this time around.  I’ve deleted a ton of old posts that just don’t fit in with what I want this blog to be and I now plan on not only want to talk about crochet but I also want share recipes, things I’m making, cakes I’m creating, and so much more.  I would also like to include tutorials and tips on more than just crafting.  All of that said my current goal is to blog at least once a month I would love to blog more than that but we will just have to wait and see how it goes! I hope everyone will enjoy the new Jennifer by Design blog!

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