Jennifer By Design’s Basic Newborn Mitties (yay 1st pattern)

I have decided to start my pattern sharing with a very simple pair of newborn mitties.  These are super cute and and so easy they will only take some basic crochet knowledge, a small amount of yarn, and a little creativity.

Size– Newborn

Materials used-

Size H (5.00mm) crochet hook

Less than 1 ounce of worsted weight yarn in your favorite color

Here’s where you can get creative, for the tie you can use the same color yarn, a contrasting color yarn, ribbon or anything else that will tie.

Stitch Markers

*The first rounds are done as one continuous round. You will use your stitch marker to mark the last stitch in each round and will move it up with each round to mark your place.


Begin your mitties by chaining 2

Round 1: 6 sc in the second ch from hook. Remember not to join and place your stitch marker now. (6 scs)

Round 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12 scs) *remember to place your stitch marker in the last sc.

Round 3:  *1 Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat from * around. (16 scs)

Rounds 4-13: Sc in each sc around. (16 scs) at this point it should measure about 3 1/4 inches but if you would like them longer or shorter just increase or decrease the number of rows.

Round 14: *sc, ch1, skip 1 sc, repeat from * around. After the last ch1 slip stitch to the 1st sc. (8 sc & 8 ch1 spaces)

Round 15: ch2, dc in each sc and ch1 sp around. Join with a slip stitch to the ch2. (16 dc)  (this is known as an eyelet row)

Crochet Ties:

Chain 50, tie off. Now to finish the mitties weave this tie in and out of the eyelet row (round 14).

For the ties some other options are to just use a piece of yarn and weve it in and out of the eyelet row or a piece of ribbon.

I hope you enjoy my Basic Newborn Mitties pattern and use it as a chance to get creative with your crochet. If you have any questions please feel free to ask, that’s what I’m here for!

*This and all of my patterns are for personal and charity use only. If you make these mitties please respect my copyright and only make them for yourself, as gifts, or charity, Do Not sell items made from my pattern. If you would like to repost this pattern please let me know that you are doing so and give me and my blog credit.